Uncategorized October 3, 2019

Is the Housing Market Up? Down? Or Sideways?

housing market

If you ask ten housing experts about the latest news in housing…you’re likely to get eleven answers.
While some statistics can be easily verified, most statistics are used by the people sharing them to make a point. Or specifically…their point.
So what is an average person to do?


Understand YOUR goals.

Are you looking for income? Do you want to manage rentals or subcontract the management? Are you looking to upgrade? Are you looking to downsize? Each person’s goals in the Real Estate world are as unique as each person. Knowing where you want to be down the road must be clear as crystal.

Appreciate YOUR budget now… and in the future.

While today’s bills are right in your face, before you jump into a major Real Estate investment, make sure you have a good grasp on how you see your income changing. A good Real Estate partner will help you discern what is a wish…and what is wishful thinking.

Honestly asses YOUR skills and time availability.

Please note the word ‘honestly.’ Before you jump into a fixer-upper, you need to know if you are an HGTV, fix-it superstar or just someone who has good taste and an amazing ability to hire people. Either option can be the right option… or the wrong option. You just need to be sure you will have the skill, time and energy to finish the project.
Listen to YOUR timeline.

If you need to act quickly, you need to act quickly. But…if you have some time on your hands, you will be able to get the best properties at the best price. Having the right Real Estate partner is essential to figuring out when a property is priced to move.
Did you notice the capitalized word? Your.
The right Real Estate partner can make or break your purchase. Listening to the news, going to seminars, or talking with friends can all be good… but you want Real Estate purchases to be GREAT!
No other purchase can have a make-or-break impact of your life like a Real Estate purchase.
I have the experience and knowledge to ensure each purchase fits with each of your goals. While you may purchase Real Estate a few times in your lifetime, I walk through Real Estate purchases every week.
But be forewarned…they may not always tell you what you want to hear. A good Real Estate advisor should be there to tell you to ‘tap on the breaks’ or ‘step on the gas!’
Trends and statistics may be confusing to you, but for me, they are as common as a cup of coffee.
The bottom line is while trends may come and go, value never changes.
At Windermere, we believe if you can dream it, we can find it – Windermere supplies real estate brokers like me with the best team and tools to get you into that home you are dreaming of.

What are you waiting for?

Fill in the “contact us” form today or call me directly at 253-370-8928.